Core Values

  • Community participation

    The organization believes in the participation of the local community for the successful implementation of any project and hence it encourages the local communities to actively participate and take stake in the projects.

  • Sustainability

    Sustenance of the projects and their benefits to the local communities is given the highest priority such that beneficiaries receive an uninterrupted service and thus Himani Shikshan Sanathan strives for a permanent solution to the problems in its approach.

  • Rational Approach

    Himani Shikshan Sanathan applies a scientific approach in framing its policies, formulating its projects or its programs and hence scientific methods are adopted and are extensively used in all its operations.

  • Teamwork

    Himani Shikshan Sanathan recognizes that it cannot but work as a team to achieve its noble vision. The organization believes in practicing teamwork that goes beyond the realms of work - teamwork that extends to even the promotion of bonding in society, inculcating a feeling of collective responsibility and spirit of working hand in hand for the betterment of their lives.

  • Participatory decision making

    As appropriate, relevant person/s would be involved in the decision-making process. All the members are encouraged to voice their opinions and the same would be given due consideration while taking any decision to emphasise participatory and non-hierarchical decision making process.

  • Transparency and accountability

    Himani Shikshan Sanathan would be completely transparent in all the transactions that it makes and shall be accountable for every single rupee of the organization. Not only in financial matters but in all decision making processes it would maintain transparency to help minimizing the confusion and bring more support to the mission of organization. The organization shall release complete and timely financial statements, reports to all its members, shall publish the same on the website and thus adhere to the law to maintain non-profit status. Organization shall maintain zero tolerance towards any sort of financial indiscipline in the organization.